Application Deadline
  Award Type
  Award Amount




Help cover the cost of tuition for MAS-associated programs.
MAS grants are generously funded by the Carlos and Malú Álvarez family. Awards will be based on financial need. The amount of the grant is used to cover a portion of the program tuition.

Awardees are encouraged to attend promotional events for the Mexico, the Americas, and Spain (MAS) Program throughout their time at Trinity.



  Who is eligible:
  • Undergraduate sophomore, junior, or senior students
  • Must demonstrate financial need

 Am I eligible for need-based aid? U.S. students  | International students

  Who is not eligible:

First-year or graduate students

  How to Apply

Complete your application online

Include the following in your application:


March 1 (Fall)

October 1 (Spring)

Specific financial needs:

Include a detailed statement of specific financial needs for the program.

If you are currently receiving financial aid to attend Trinity University, you are qualified to apply for the MAS travel grant.

Financial history:

Please describe your history of financial aid, as well as your current level of support in your application.

Career goals:

Provide an explanation of how attendance in your program will fit into your overall career goal.

  Important Details

Selection Criteria

Must be accepted into a Trinity MAS-sponsored program.

Renewal Information
Additional Details

At the end of the program, awardees will prepare a thank you letter to the Álvarez family describing academic and other outcomes made possible by the grant.
