• Hometown: Fredericksburg, TX
    • Alma Mater: Texas State University, B.A. and M.A.
    • Year I Joined Trinity Admissions: 2023
    • Students I Work With: Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, Texas (Corpus Christi and Rio Grande Valley)
    • Favorite Class in College: I took an Honors course titled ‘Plotting the American Experience’ where we followed the evolution of the American Dream from creation to death in postmodern literature. It was a fantastic course because we read a variety of authors with very different backgrounds, and these backgrounds helped us engage with diverse perspectives regarding how different the ‘American Experience’ was for an immigrant family versus a refugee family versus a family who has been in America for dozens of generations. Because I specialized in Chicanx Literature, it provided context for the passionate voices of Gloria Anzaldúa and ire’ne lara silva. 
    • One Thing I Love About San Antonio: I love all the independent coffee shops! I am a coffee snob, and there are always new places for me to try (which means lots of places for you to study once you come here). 
    • Advice for your College Search: A university is more than its name or reputation, and it is definitely more than what it is on the paper you received at a College Fair or from your College Counselor. Each campus has a different ‘feeling,’ so keep a list and update it after every campus tour. College is all about you, do not let anyone convince you otherwise!